Vitiligo or leukoderma is an autoimmune skin condition that causes the loss of melanin pigment. Although the global prevalence of vitiligo is less than 1%, in some populations; it may be as high as 3% of the population (Source: NCBI).

Vitiligo skin disease has been classified into segmental vitiligo and non-segmental vitiligo, depending on the distribution of skin depigmentation.

Signs of segmental vitiligo
-  Appears on one segment of the body like the leg, face, or arm.
-  About half of the people lose some hair color like on the head, eyelash, or eyebrow.
-  Starts at an early age.
-  Progresses for a year or so and then halts.
Signs of non-segmental vitiligo
-  Appears on both sides of the body like both hands or both knees.
-  Starts on the hands, fingertips, wrists, around the eyes or mouth, or on the feet.
-  Starts with rapid loss of skin color, which then stops for a while. Color loss starts up again later. This cycle continues throughout a person's lifetime.
-  Color loss expands, growing more noticeable and covering a larger area.
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