What is Drug Designing?

1.  Our team of doctors at Hilton Health Center is always ready to assist the patients with their treatment queries - whether personally at the clinics, on telephone, via email or chat

2.  Our team at the HRC also works tirelessly to ensure efficient communication and provides support 12 hours a day To receive feedback from patients thereby helping us in improving our servicesto our patients for:-

-  Fixing appointments
-  Rescheduling appointments
-  Receiving medicines requests by courier
-  Attending to patient queries
-  Receiving patient complaints and feedback and directing them to respective doctors
-  Providing vital information requested by patients from time to time

3.  In addition, at every clinic of Hilton Health Center, our Patient Relationship Officers (PRO) ensure smooth functioning of clinics so that our patients receive the best services. Some of their functions include

-  To guide the patients as to the treatment process
-  To attend to patient queries
-  To receive complaints related to services and take appropriate steps
-  To receive feedback from patients thereby helping us in improving our services

Our PROs undergo extensive training in patient interaction since patient-care and co-ordination between the doctor and patient is of paramount importance to us. Our prime focus is to ensure that the quality of assistance is maintained and hence we have only a specific number of patients assigned to each PRO.

Additional Support
-  Telephonic support at the clinics - during the clinic working hours, patients can call up for any kind of assistance in the treatment process
-  Email support - Email us your queries and we shall respond to them in the shortest possible span of time
-  Chat support - Our doctors are available 12 hours a day - 7 days a week to ensure that your query is spontaneously resolved should you need immediate assistance
You may also reach at: 9899509822
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