At Dr Altaj, we have the experience and expertise of treating over 1.41 lakh skin patients successfully over last 35 years. We can ensure our patients safe and scientific solutions for their skin ailments.
Customised Solutions
We at Dr Altaj present you with comprehensive and customized skin solutions with the goodness of Unani combined with our advanced scientific diagnostic technology.
Addressing emotional concerns of the patients
Unani treatment at Dr Altaj's extends beyond the physical symptoms. We address the underlying emotional triggers like stress and depression that are often seen in several patients with skin problems. Thus, the treatment provided by us goes a step further and works towards re-integrating the patient into normal life.
Advanced technology
We use proprietary technologies such as Dr Altaj's M.O.S.T and 3D imaging device for dermatological problems. We introduced India’s first 3D imaging device for the analysis and evaluation of skin health. The powerful machine, based on advanced optical technology developed by scientists at Ireland, allows the skin to be viewed in 2 and 3 dimensions and enables multi-spectral analysis of epidermis and dermis.
Optimum treatment outcome
Treatment outcome at Dr Altaj's for some of the major skin ailments is as below: 94.3% of patients suffering from skin disorders secured positive treatment outcome, as authenticated by American Quality Assessors
Advantage Dr Altaj
-  Successfully treated over 1.41 lakh patients with skin disorders
-  Customized treatment for each patient
-  Treatment without side-effects
-  Advanced technology for diagnosis and treatment
-  3-D Skin Assessment - a scientific breakthrough and new in India (*available at select clinics only)
-  Long-lasting results
-  Clinically proven solutions.
Did you know that according to The Hair Society approximately 35 million men and 21 million women suffer from hair loss? Although hair fall is more prevalent in older adults, excessive hair loss can also occur in children.

According to the American Hair Loss Association, around two-thirds of men will begin to lose their hair by the age of 35. 85% of the global population will eventually suffer from hair fall by the age of 50, out of which women make up about half. Hair loss, also known as alopecia or baldness, refers to excessive loss of hair from the scalp that can be temporary or permanent. Hair fall/hair loss can be a result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or aging. People typically lose 50 to 100 strands of hair a day as a part of the hair growth cycle. The hair goes through 3 phases that are known as the Anagen phase, Catagen phase and Telogen phase.

The phases of hair growth cycle are mentioned below in detail: Anagen phase: Also known as the growth stage, it allows the hair to actively grow from the roots. During this stage, hair growth happens anywhere between 18-30 inches. The length of this phase varies based on genetics, age, health and other factors. Catagen phase: This is also known as the transition phase and is the second stage of the hair growth cycle. This period is usually short and lasts only 2-3 weeks on an average. During this phase, hair growth stops as the strand detaches itself from the blood supply.

Telogen phase: This is the final stage of the hair growth cycle also known as the resting phase. The detached hair from the previous phase rests in the root while new hair begins to grow beneath it. This phase usually lasts for approximately 3 months. This hair growth cycle is a natural process that begins with the growth phase (Anagen) transitioning towards Catagen phase finally entering the shedding phase (Telogen). Each follicle is independent and goes through this cycle of hair growth. During the shedding phase, the hair strands will fall out allowing new hair growth through the hair follicle. The hair growth cycle ensures we don’t lose patches of hair all at once. Hair loss occurs when new hair doesn't replace the hair strand that has fallen out during the Telogen phase. Excessive hair fall can become a cause for concern as it may even leave a bald spot.

When faced with the problem of hair fall, many people aren’t sure where to turn for help and often go for: Cosmetic or chemical solutions to hide the hair fall problem Invest in costly but inefficient hair fall products that come with claims that they can treat hair loss Vitamins and other supplements for hair growth Hair fall is the first sign of distress within the body and it needs to be taken seriously. Hair loss/hair fall is not just an external problem; it may indicate underlying health concerns. Did you know that the scalp can provide insightful cues into a host of latent disorders – such as thyroid problems, diabetes and heart diseases – much before a clinical diagnosis for hair fall is established?

Hair loss/hair fall can appear in many different ways, depending on what caused the loss of hair. Signs of loss of hair may include thinning hair, loose hair or patchy bald spots. With numerous hair fall treatments and remedies that promise hair growth, it’s important to choose the one that works the best for you. An effective treatment for loss of hair requires a personalized approach. The hair fall treatment is chosen based on the hair loss causes, extent of hair loss, grade of baldness and condition of the scalp.

At Dr Altaj's Unani clinic, we provide effective hair fall solutions with 94% patient satisfaction as authenticated by American Quality Assessors. The hair fall treatment is administered after a carefully evaluated study of the patient’s medical history. The evaluation is done taking into account the extent of loss of hair, the temperament, the sensitivities and grade of baldness. Our doctors conduct a video microscopy test and customise a hair fall treatment plan best suited to meet your expectations and enable hair growth.
Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow, swell and produce extra mucus leading to a difficulty in breathing. It can trigger cough, wheezing and shortness of breath.

Asthma can be a major setback for many people as it interferes with daily activities and can also lead to a life-threatening asthma attack. In children, it is one of the main reasons to miss school. It is a psychosomatic disorder - triggered as much by allergens as by dysfunctional relationships and stress. To treat asthma effectively, you need to treat its root cause.
Symptoms of asthma vary from person to person. Some of the common signs and symptoms of asthma are:
-  Coughing, especially at night
-  Wheezing
-  Shortness of breath
-  Chest tightness, pain or pressure
It is a well-known fact that certain environmental factors and a strong family history may cause asthma. The following triggers may put you at risk:

-  Respiratory infections such as common cold
-  Physical activity (asthma triggered by it is known as exercise-induced asthma)
-  Airborne substances such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander or particles of cockroach waste
-  Air pollutants and irritants such as smoke
-  Certain medications
-  Stress
Risk factors
Following are some conditions that affect the risk of asthma:

-  Family history of asthma
-  Having another allergic condition such as allergic rhinitis or atopic dermatitis
-  Obesity
-  Smoking
-  Occupational exposures (industrial or wood dusts, chemical fumes and vapors)
-  Indoor and outdoor air pollution

The diagnosis for asthma is done through a Pulmonary Function Test. Here the breathing capacity of a patient is measured to know if it is reduced. This is also used to monitor the progress of the homeopathic treatment.
Can Asthma be prevented?
If asthma runs in your family, all close family members are recommended to get a genetic test done. At our clinics, we have developed the world’s first gene-targeted homeopathic therapy called Geno Unani. With this, we can predict asthma years before they actually occur. This is carried out through a simple saliva test that not only helps us to predict the probability of getting asthma but also helps in treating the root cause. It reduces your chances of getting asthma through preventive medicine, appropriate diet and lifestyle changes. Since Geno Unani is based on your individualized genetic predisposition, it is, therefore, the most individualized and customized treatment for your health problems.
Self-care and taking sensible preventative measures can reduce the risk of asthma symptoms and the asthma getting worse. Some of the things you can do to help keep your asthma under control are described below:

-  Minimise the use of carpets and wash linen regularly in hot water to get rid of dust mites.
-  Pets, if any, should be bathed regularly and kept out of beds as their falling hair may aggravate your asthma symptoms.
-  Blowing balloon increases your lung expansion capacity. Start with blowing 1-2 balloons a day and increase it gradually. This should be done only when you are symptom-free.
-  If you are a smoker and have been diagnosed with asthma, you simply have to stop smoking. Smoke acts as an irritant and also decreases the efficacy of the medication you take. It may also put you at risk of COPD and other bronchial diseases.
-  Even second-hand smoke has the same effect and so it is necessary for you to ensure that smokers in your friend and family circles do not light up in your presence.
-  Stress, anxiety or any strong emotion - they are popularly known to trigger the symptoms of asthma in adults, children, and women. Therefore, just remember this quote – ‘worry less, smile more’ and live healthier, happier, and asthma symptoms free life.
Homeopathic treatment for asthma
There are 5 advantages of homeopathic treatment for asthma :
-  Unani treats the psychosomatic problems associated with asthma. It is know that anxiety can trigger an asthmatic attack. It is also certain that patients suffering from long-term asthma suffer from anxiety.
-  Common treatments for asthma in conventional medicine include bronchodilators that may trigger trembling and steroids that may cause brittleness of bones and obesity. Unani on the other hand is safe and free from side effects.
-  Unani is a holistic form of treatment. You do not need different medicines to treat various manifestations of asthma such as breathlessness and anxiety unlike conventional medicine which prescribes different medicines for each complaint.
-  No two asthmatic individuals have the same symptoms, and hence, no two individuals get the same medicine. Every patient is treated according to the specifics of his/her condition.
-  Homeopathic treatment builds specific immunity against known allergens and general immunity against unknown allergens.
Case Study
Geeta, a 13-year-old girl, had learnt to live with breathlessness and skin rashes – these had become a part of her life. She was brought to Dr Altaj clinic for Unani treatment after her parents realized that she was not improving in any of her complaints with all other medications. To know more about how Geeta regained proper breathing, read her complete story.
Male Sexual Health
Infertility is the inability to conceive after at least one year of unprotected intercourse. As most couples are able to conceive within this time, it is advised that those who are not able to conceive should be checked for fertility problems. When the word infertility is mentioned, very few people think of male infertility. Most people think that infertility is often associated with women. However, male infertility is the reason behind 40% infertility cases. Notably, hormonal problems, other illnesses, reproductive organ injuries and blockages, sexual problems like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation can temporarily or permanently affect sperms and prevent conception. Some disorders become more difficult to treat the longer they exist without treatment. Sperm production takes place in the tubes of the testes. Inside the testes, sperm grow into mature sperm. Energy generated inside each sperm powers its tail so that it can swim to the female egg once inside the vagina. Sperm production and development are controlled by other hormones in the body. Low sperm counts or low motility of sperms are also reasons for male infertility.
-  Studies show that the sperm counts of Indian men have dropped by one-third in the past three decades.
-  More than 12 to 18 million couples in India are diagnosed with infertility every year.
-  Presently, almost 40% men in the reproductive age group are undergoing a quantitative and qualitative decline in sperm quality.
-  Stress also decreases the hormones that stimulate sperm production.
-  A 10-year-long AIIMS study surveyed 1,000 men from north India and found that lifestyle factors like tight clothing, hot tub dips and long visits to the sauna, intensive gardening and farming resulting in pesticide exposure, and increased obesity rates were major causes for decreasing sperm count.
Female Sexual Health
Sexual health is important for overall emotional and physical well-being of a woman.

There are many factors which can lead to the inability to enjoy sex. Sexual needs may vary depending upon stress, personal commitments, aging, disease, medications and unmet needs that cause differences with the partner.

In the long run, these unmet needs can lead to resentment and isolation. The problems that can affect a woman’s ability to enjoy sex are referred to as sexual dysfunctions that include decreased sexual desire, inability to achieve orgasm, vaginismus and painful intercourse. Majority of women experience one or more of these problems.

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