Hilton Health Center All Treatment Reviews

At Hilton Health Center, we put our patients at the heart of everything we do. We provide holistic and personalized treatment to our patients that extend beyond just physical symptoms. We have proven efficacy in treating various disorders, both acute ailments like cough, cold, and fever, as well as chronic conditions like hair loss, skin ailments, allergies, obesity, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, women disorders, child health issues, anemia, kidney stones, and warts. Our treatment outcome is the proof of our top-quality patient satisfaction. Overall treatment outcome at Hilton Health Center as audited by American Quality Assessors (AQA) is over 91%. Moreover, our patient experience score as audited by AQA is over 87%.


Review on Allergic Rhinitis
Review by:
G. V. Jayakrishnan,

I was suffering from allergy /cough which used to keep troubling me every month. I was regularly on antibiotics and other pills and yet the cough would be severe and sometimes accompanied by fever and severe body pain. I started using Hilton Health Center medicine for the last five months and I am completely off the antibiotics. Last five months, I have been completely free from cough and fever as well. I am very thankful to Dr. Jyothi for curing my disease.

Review on Warts
Review by:
Kiran L. U,

In a word, excellent. That’s how I would describe the treatment at Hilton Health Center . I am Kiran and I was suffering from a bad condition of warts due to which I was feeling self conscious and had started avoiding my friends and relatives. Before coming to Hilton Health Center, I had tried all kinds of different treatments like topical applications and even cauterizing (burning) the warts but nothing helped to cure my condition. Finally I started treatment at Hilton Health Center. My treating doctor, Dr John was highly skilled and very meticulous. For one year, I took the prescribed medicines religiously. At the end of that time, all my warts had completely disappeared. I am delighted to be cured and most thankful to Hilton Health Center for its excellent treatment.

Review on General
Review by:
Gaurab M, Banjara,

I am undergoing treatment at Hilton Health Center for almost 2 ½ years now. The transformation in my condition has been amazing; from regular complaints to no complaints for at least 6 months. I had my apprehensions about unani, but it really works! My doctor during the full course of treatment was Dr Heena Thakkar. She had been very efficient and patient throughout the process. Amazing experience!

Review on Hair Loss
Review by:
Nikita Fernandes,

I visited Hilton Health Center last year and was suffering from hair loss. At that time I thought that I am going to lose all my hair but after joining under Dr Imran's care things changed. He took real good care of my hair loss and also helped me with other ailments. My hair loss has decreased to a great extent, I have no dandruff, no split ends and my hair just looks fabulous - thanks to Dr Imran and Hilton Health Center.

Review on Hair Loss
Review by:
G. Srinivas,

I am under treatment at Hilton Health Center since last one year and I am very much satisfied with the results. Before coming to Hilton Health Center, I used to lose hair like anything, but now it’s much better. I am confident that I won’t lose my hair. Apart from giving the treatment, Dr. Rahul and all other staff take good care of us like a family member. I am very confident about Hilton Health Center and would recommend it to anyone who has hair fall or any other problem. My heartfelt thanks to Dr Rahul and all the staff over here.

Review on Acne
Review by:
R. Usha,

I have been under treatment at Hilton Health Center for the past nine months for cystic acne, which has pus-filled pimples that also bleed sometimes. Before starting this treatment, my face was terribly marked with dark coloured pimple scars. Now, the scars have reduced to a great extent and new pimples have stopped erupting. Previously, I also suffered a lot of pain during menses, which has also completely disappeared. I have been under the treatment of Dr Sangeetha, to whom I am deeply thankful, and also to the entire team at Hilton Health Center.

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